The Gestational Carrier Process: One Gestational Carrier’s Story

Let’s explore the Gestational Carrier Process through the eyes of an actual carrier. I originally started my journey as a gestational carrier in November of 2015. That’s when I found A Woman’s Gift and initially spoke with Julie who was one of their Gestational carrier coordinators. After speaking with Julie, I continued the application process and then spoke with Fran who is the Agency owner and clinical director. The agency has a two step application process. The first in which you have to meet certain criteria to be gestational surrogate. Gestational Carrier Process and Selection Between ages 21-40 (some clinics
Understanding the Lingo Related to Gestational Surrogacy and Egg Donation

You may have trouble understanding the lingo related to Gestational Surrogacy and Egg Donation. These terms below come from some of most frequently asked questions about the gestational carrier and / or egg donor process through A Woman’s Gift. IVF or In Vitro Fertilization This is the medical process that takes place at the IVF Clinic. They retrieve the egg of the female and fertilize it using the sperm of the male. The female they retrieve the eggs from can be the intended parent or recipient, or it could be an egg donor. The sperm is usually from the intended