Becoming an Egg Donor
Becoming an egg donor means giving couples that are experiencing problems with infertility an opportunity to fulfill their dreams of becoming parents.
If you are a healthy woman between the ages of 21 and 32 and wish to make a difference in helping to create or expand a family please begin the online application process of becoming a donor. Egg donors must be willing to complete medical and psychological testing, take a series of injectable medications, and undergo an outpatient surgical procedure to retrieve potentially mature eggs from all recruited follicles. The typical timeline from selection by a Recipient to completion of your egg donation is 2-4 months. Once you begin the injectable medications (there are two rounds) you will receive $250 per round and then you receive the final balance of the compensation after the egg retrieval. After the eggs have been obtained, the role of the egg donor is completed. You are welcome to participate in up to six donation cycles if you wish to do so again.